Friday, December 20, 2013

Do you have Hope or Faith for an MS cure?

Do you have hope or faith there will be a cure for MS?  Does this seem like an odd question?  Maybe you say "I have both".  It's kind of a one or the other choice.  Let me explain.  Marian-Websters dictionary provides the following definitions for both.  Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.  Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something.  Does reading the two definitions change your view on hope and faith?

It seems to me that as a society we have made both hope and faith mean the same thing.  That's a mistake. Both have a great purpose but they need to be separated from each other.  I remember as kid at Christmas I hoped that Santa would bring me a certain toy(s).  Did I have Faith that Santa was going to bring me them?  No, I figured it was 50/50 shot and sometimes far less because I really made some of my toy requests a bit outrageous and I would put it in the "doesn't hurt to ask" category.  

Part of the mental and emotional battle with MS is to have both hope and faith.  If you don't have either one you have sentenced yourself to a mental and emotional jail that MS is the warden.  Not good.  Having hope and faith everyday is fuel for better health.  Not only does this help you it also helps your care partner or support people.  When people know you are hopeful for a cure and that you have faith that things will get better it makes it easier for them.

Having hope and faith will not be easy all the time.  It will challenge you.  When you are in the middle of an MS storm it can look easier to lose hope and faith than to gain it.  This is time when you dig your feet in, ball up your fists and shout "no way, you are NOT taking this from me".  You do not have control of what MS does to you physically.  You do have control of your hope and faith and MS cannot take it away.  The only way you lose it is to give it up.

Jenn has been through some big battles.  She always had faith that things would get better.  She would say that it she did not to get 100% better but greatly improved.  I know big part of that was having faith that it was going to get better.  Don't ever give up hope or faith!

Next post: Merry Christmas

Thanks for reading,


Reject Defeat

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